Everyone knows the importance of having a clear windscreen. That means no stickers that block the driver’s view, not using it to site a GPS unit and, of course, the importance of getting a prompt windscreen repair in the case of a stone chip in the line of sight. But…...
Autoscreens is delighted to announce the addition of the City of Wanneroo to their local government contracts. The company has worked with the City of Stirling Council since 2010, providing the ultimate windscreen and glass maintenance for their extensive fleet of...
Flick, flick, chip… Virtually every driver has experienced the annoyance of a stone or rock pinging into the windscreen. Unless the projectile is exceptionally large (or you’re unlucky) it tends to result in a stone chip, rather than the glass shattering completely....
If your vehicle’s windscreen is damaged in any way, the right course of action is to have it professionally assessed as soon as possible to avoid breaking the law and putting yourself or your passengers at risk. A windscreen doesn’t only serve as a protective barrier...
It doesn’t take much to damage a vehicle’s windscreen. Cracks and chips can result from loose gravel or small stones kicked up by a passing car, the impact of a seed pod falling from an overhead branch, extreme temperatures, other impacts or even inferior autoglass...
The answer to the question of why you should choose Autoscreens for your windscreen repair and replacement is written in the stars. Our 400-plus five-star reviews tell our story far better than we can. After all, our customers’ opinion matters, not ours! Of course,...
If you haven’t yet experienced the dreaded windscreen chip – wait. It’ll happen. And when it does, you’re probably going to ask yourself the same question that everybody in the same situations asks – should I repair or replace my windscreen? The answer...
A crack or chip in your windscreen is annoying. But is it dangerous? A damaged windscreen is a nuisance and may not look great, but we’re not talking aesthetics here. The truth is that continuing to drive when your windscreen has been damaged can be extremely...
A chip or crack in your windscreen doesn’t have to be a pain in the proverbial. A mobile windscreen repairer can come to a location that suits you, at a time that’s convenient and fix and restore your damaged glass in no time at all. But – and this is a big but...