Car Window Replacement – What to Look For

Car Window Replacement – What to Look For

Damage to your car windscreen or windows is one of those things that happens when you least expect it and when you least have the time to fix it. While you may think the damage is minor, and it may very well start out as minor, it can easily blow out to a serious...
How to Avoid Hail Damage to Your Car

How to Avoid Hail Damage to Your Car

There’s no doubting that hail can really damage your car, and even the smallest of hail can do some minor damage by the way of dents to your car. While there are times you can be caught out with nowhere to go, there are some ways that you can minimise hail damage to...
The Dangers of Driving at Night

The Dangers of Driving at Night

While driving during the day has its dangers, we often don’t consider the added dangers and risks of driving at night. From headlights shining in your eyes, rush hour and fatigue there is more on the roads to be aware of at night. Recent research published by Budget...
The Dangers of a Distracted Driver

The Dangers of a Distracted Driver

Driving at any time is a risk – changing weather conditions, excess traffic, roadworks and tired drivers can all add to the risk you face every time you get out on the road. However, one of the biggest dangers we face when we drive to work or take our family on a...
Protect That Windscreen – Our Top Tips

Protect That Windscreen – Our Top Tips

As car owners, we tend to think about protecting our paintwork and the fabric covering the seats, while protecting the windscreen is so far down the list, it tends to fall off. But your windscreen plays an important role in keeping you safe on the road, so it is well...

How To Protect Your Newly Replaced Windscreen

If you’ve just had your windscreen replaced, you really don’t want to have to go through the whole process again in a hurry – especially if the damage wasn’t your fault. Your windscreen is also more than a glass screen.  It plays a crucial role in maintaining...
Avoid Fines – Windscreen Safety

Avoid Fines – Windscreen Safety

If the police issue you with a fine for driving around with a damaged windscreen, don’t be angry.   Be grateful. Contrary to what many people think, a damaged windscreen isn’t just an inconvenience.  It’s not something to be taken lightly.  Or ignored.  The police...